If you're tired of lurking in the shadows while your brilliance goes unnoticed, it's time to unleash your inner FAME MONSTER

This is your exclusive invitation to step into the spotlight, be seen, and create success with ease.

yes, it's time!

why fame monster?

Say goodbye to financial fatigue. FAME MONSTER unveils strategies to turn your ideas into a cash spectacle. No more flops – it's time for a standing ovation and a booming bank account aligned with your Projector essence.

Stand out, don't blend in! FAME MONSTER crafts a success blueprint for Projectors, ensuring you don't just keep up but lead the pack. Let competitors eat your stardust while you ascend to fame.

Exhausted Because Money Isn't Flowing In?

Competitors Passing By?



Fear not, Queen! FAME MONSTER is your stage, and we're here to guide you through the spotlight. Embrace visibility with strategies designed to support your Projector energy, making being seen an exhilarating journey.

Terrified of Being Visible and Wanting to be Seen?


Break the chains of invisibility by following your Projector path.  FAME MONSTER is your antidote to being the best-kept secret. Let's amplify your Projector brilliance until the world can't look away.

Tired of Being Brilliant + Ignored?


Macaroon pudding chocolate bar gingerbread carrot cake. Chocolate cake toffee shortbread bonbon pastry carrot cake shortbread tootsie roll candy. Lemon drops fruitcake sugar plum lollipop topping chocolate cake chupa chups chupa chups toffee.

One more commonly asked question from your customer?


Macaroon pudding chocolate bar gingerbread carrot cake. Chocolate cake toffee shortbread bonbon pastry carrot cake shortbread tootsie roll candy. Lemon drops fruitcake sugar plum lollipop topping chocolate cake chupa chups chupa chups.

Another commonly asked question from your customer?


Macaroon pudding chocolate bar gingerbread carrot cake. Chocolate cake toffee shortbread bonbon pastry carrot cake shortbread tootsie roll candy. Lemon drops fruitcake sugar plum lollipop topping chocolate cake chupa.

This is a commonly asked question from your customer?


it's time to:

Banish your fear of visibility so that you can you lead authentically + magnetize the recognition you deserve.

STOP settling for less. Attract dream invitations aligned with your greatest vision.

Transform financial exhaustion into prosperity. 

  • AUTHENTIC LEADERSHIP UNLEASHED WITH YOUR HUMAN DESIGN: Banish the fear of being visible. FAME MONSTER empowers you to lead authentically, embracing your brilliance while aligning every step with your unique Human Design. Magnetize the recognition you deserve.

  • ATTRACT DREAM INVITATIONS WITH YOUR PROJECTOR AURA: No more settling for less. FAME MONSTER guides you to attract dream invitations aligned with your vision. Your Projector aura becomes a powerful magnet.

  • OUTSHINE COMPETITORS USING YOUR PROJECTOR STRENGTHS: Leave competitors in the dust. FAME MONSTER provides Projector-specific strategies to position yourself as the star, utilizing your unique Projector strengths. Competitors will marvel at your Projector magic.

  • BANISH MONEY WORRIES LIKE A BOSS: Say goodbye to sleepless nights filled with financial stress. Your customized blueprint will empower you to confidently navigate the world of abundance, turning worries into wealth.


  • When you invest in FAME MONSTER, you submit your birth day, time + location for your Aligned Abundance Blueprint (birth time is required for the most accurate reading).

  • CALL 1: We explore your gifts, strengths, dreams + challenges through a strategic, spiritual lens, creating a soul-aligned plan for accomplishing your goals.

  • Within 10 business days of CALL 1, you receive your bespoke Aligned Abundance Blueprint for your wealth, abundance + success.

  • CALL 2: We dive deep into WHO you're here to serve, WHERE to find them and HOW to best build authentic rapport so that they hire you over + over + over again.

  • CALL 3: We map out WHAT offers you'll create next, so that you easily serve + satisfy your soulmate clients.

  • CALL 4: We personalize + fortify your energetic + business boundaries so that you continually bring in money without exhaustion, burnout or overwhelm.

  • ALSO: 8-weeks of unlimited personal voice + text access to ask questions, share a-has and receive guidance between calls.


- L: The Goddess

Stop diluting your potency. 
Your complex richness was not made for weak palates.
Steep. Brine. Fortify.

The world needs your unadulterated genius.

Your projector SUCCESS strategy uses

Your unique human design*, expert intuitive guidance + your personal vision for success.

yes, it's time!

Your Mentor + Guide

L: the Goddess

mystic, master guide + medicine woman.

5/1 splenic projector + soul guide with over 20 years of experience helping feral, wild + free beings create spiritual + material success from the inside out.

L. helps you reclaim you power + embody your gifts so that you can thrive and create a beautiful, fulfilling life from the center of your soul. 

yes, i want in!

(Side effects of FAME MONSTER may also include: increased confidence, a magnetic presence, and an overflow of recognition, all intricately intertwined with your unique essence + expression.)

DISCLAIMER: Results may include heightened visibility, dream clients, financial abundance, and a glowing aura of Projector stardom. 

We will be in touch soon.
